Monday 25 November 2019

New York Fed examines banks’ role in money market turmoil

New York Fed president John Williams told the FT:'The thing we need to be
focused on today is not so much the level of reserves [held at the Fed], it’s
how does the market function' © Bloomberg
Central bank questions hesitance to lend as overnight repo rates soared this week

Joe Rennison and Brendan Greeley in New York SEPTEMBER 21 2019

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is examining why banks with excess cash failed to lend to the overnight money market, following a week that revealed cracks in the US’s financial plumbing.

John Williams, president of the New York Fed, on Friday questioned the hesitance of the banks in an interview with the FT. “The thing we need to be focused on today is not so much the level of reserves [held at the Fed],” he said. “It’s how does the market function.”

Lorie Logan. senior vice-president at the New York Federal Reserve© Bloomberg
Overnight borrowing rates rose as high as 10 per cent on Tuesday morning, prompting the New York Fed to intervene in the overnight repurchase, or repo, market for the first time since the financial crisis, injecting cash in an effort to unblock the system.
It has since repeated the operation every morning, helping ease pressure in the market, and announced on Friday that it would also offer up to $90bn in two-week long loans to further reduce strain ahead of the end of the third quarter.

Some market participants have claimed that the week’s volatility arose from a shortage of cash in the financial system, stemming in part from the unwinding of the Federal Reserve’s post-financial crisis intervention. However, Fed officials are focused on the role of the banks.

Mr Williams and Lorie Logan, senior vice-president in the markets group at the New York Fed, said officials were looking at why cash failed to move from banks’ accounts at the Fed into the repo market, where banks and investors borrow money in exchange for Treasuries to cover short-term funding needs.

Ms Logan pointed to the concentration of excess cash at a small number of banks as one potential issue.

“Reserves are concentrated, the excess reserves relative to the minimum level each bank is demanding is concentrated,” she said. “And the key question is how those reserves, as the level was coming down, would get redistributed, and how smooth that redistribution process would be.”

Fed officials expected some pressure in the market this week as a result of corporate tax payments and Treasury settlements, which would drain cash out of the system. As it monitored short-term lending markets, the New York Fed paid particular attention to the amount of reserves available.

Ms Logan said the expectation had been that as repo rates rose, banks would withdraw excess cash held at the Fed and lend it into the repo market to earn the higher rate of interest. Instead, the New York Fed had to step in to provide that cash as banks remained on the sidelines.

In recent years, the markets desk at the New York Fed has been conducting surveys and holding regular conversations with banks to determine their “lowest comfortable level of reserves”. In a speech this year, Ms Logan flagged the difficulty of making such estimates, and the possibility that reserves could be distributed inefficiently among banks.

JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup, both large holders of excess reserves, declined to comment. Bank of America was not immediately available for comment.

A person at one US bank said that while it been “net lenders into the market” this week, they “have to make economic decisions for the company”. That means that the cost and return of deploying cash in the repo market is assessed relative to the cost and return of using funds for other things, like investing in currencies overnight.

On Friday, the New York Fed said that it would expand its interventions beyond overnight loans after the lending rate for two-week funds rose sharply — to 2.7 per cent, up from 2.35 per cent in previous days.

Analysts described the spike as an indication that investors were anticipating a fresh financing squeeze at the end of the quarter, when companies and traders settle their accounts. The new two-week loans will be offered by the New York Fed next week in three operations on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Friday’s overnight repo auction by the New York Fed saw a lower level of demand from borrowers than the previous two days. Bids came in at $75.6bn, down from $84bn on Thursday and $80bn on Wednesday. On Tuesday, the first day on which the $75bn overnight repo facility was offered, the New York Fed saw $53bn of bids.

The overnight repo rate receded to 1.95 per cent on Friday.

Tuesday 12 November 2019



Posted on 12 November 2019 by Admin Leave a comment
Last Updated on November 13, 2019 at 8:15:00 am

Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu dan panglima tenteranya, Aviv Kokhavi mengumumkan yang rejim zionis itu kini memulakan operasi “berskala besar” ke atas wilayah Gaza.

Portal Palestine Post 24 melaporkan pengumuman itu dibuat empat jam selepas rejim Israel membunuh ketua kumpulan Jihad Islam, Bahaa Abul-Ata, yang ketika itu bersama isteri dan anaknya di apartment mereka di timur Gaza City subuh tadi.

Isterinya dilaporkan turut terbunuh.

Susulan pembunuhan pemimpin Jihad Islam itu, kumpulan pejuang Palestin melancarkan roket buatan sendiri ke arah penempatan Israel berdekatan sempadan timur Gaza, yang dikepung rejim sejak 13 tahun lalu.

“Kami memutuskan untuk membunuh Abul-Ata 10 hari lalu,” kata Netanyahu dipetik portal berita itu.

Perdana Menteri Israel itu mendakwa Abul-Ata bertanggungjawab melancarkan roket ke arah Israel.

Rejim zionis juga melancarkan serangan udara bertalu-talu ke atas Gaza.

Kokhavi pula dilaporkan berkata Abul-Ata bertanggungjawab mengarahkan serangan ke atas Israel sebelum ini.

“Kami bersedia meningkatkan serangan di darat, laut dan udara,” kata Kokhavi.

Setakat ini, Kementerian Kesihatan Palestin melaporkan sekurang-kurangnya empat maut dan 25 cedera sejak rejim zionis Israel memulakan serangan ke atas Gaza hari ini.

Sehingga artikel ini ditulis, grup aktivis Palestin pula melaporkan angka kematian mencecah lima orang dan lebih 30 cedera dengan pengeboman rejim masih belum tamat. — AlHijrah Online

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Roni Palembani
Ikuti · 3 November .

"Jangan kau bunuh singa di kalanganmu atau anjing lawan akan memakanmu".


Oleh: Ustadz Fahmi Salim

Ketika umat Islam diserang tentara Tartar, hampir seluruh wilayah Islam berhasil dijajah. Di antara yang terawal adalah wilayah Khurasan yang bertetangga dengan Mongol.

Pada mulanya, di Khurasan, Tartar tidak berdaya menembus pertahanan umat Islam di kota Bukhara. Lalu pemimpinnya, Genghis Khan menulis surat kepada umat Islam:

"Barang siapa yang menyerahkan senjata dan berada di sisi tentara Tartar, akan selamat. Tapi barang siapa yang enggan, mereka akan kami buat menyesal."

Surat tersebut menyebabkan umat Islam yang sedang terancam itu terpecah menjadi dua kubu.

Kubu pertama menolak keras tawaran Genghis Khan dan berkata:

"Seandainya mereka mampu memerangi kita, tidak mungkin mereka memberi penawaran seperti ini. Ini menandakan peluang kita cerah. Teruskan perjuangan, pasti kita akan beroleh salah satu di antara dua kebaikan: menang atau syahid penuh bahagia!"

Namun kubu kedua cenderung menerima tawaran tersebut. Mereka berkata:

"Menghadapi Tartar sama saja bunuh diri massal! Tidakkah kalian lihat jumlah mereka dan kelengkapan senjata mereka?"

Genghis Khan terus memantau dan mengambil peluang dari pertentangan di tubuh umat Islam. Dia mengirim surat berikutnya, khusus kepada kubu kedua yang gamang dan kompromis. Dalam surat tersebut, Genghis Khan berjanji akan memberikan tampuk kekuasaan Bukhara kepada kubu kedua dengan syarat: mereka menumpas kubu pertama yang (dicapnya) ekstrim, radikal, dan fanatik.

Tawaran itu menyebabkan pihak kedua berbinar-binar. Mereka menyambutnya tanpa rasa bersalah sama sekali. Mereka bersedia memerangi saudara sendiri untuk Tartar!

Baku bunuh sesama muslim pun terjadi. Akhirnya, tumpaslah kubu yang teguh berjihad mempertahankan tanah air itu di tangan saudara-saudaranya sendiri yang menjual Islam demi dunia.

Apa yang menyedihkan? Apa lacur? Pihak yang menerima tawaran Tartar itu tidak diberi hadiah yang dijanjikan. Bahkan, senjata mereka dirampas, mereka ditangkap dan disembelih tanpa sisa.

Genghis Khan memberi sambutan yang sangat masyhur menjelang penyembelihan terhadap umat Islam yang mengkhianati saudara-saudaranya.

"Mereka sanggup memerangi saudara-saudaranya sendiri demi kita, padahal kita orang asing bagi mereka! 

Orang-orang semacam ini mustahil kita beri kepercayaan!"


"Barang siapa tidak belajar dari sejarah, maka sejarah akan mengajarkannya kembali."


Semoga bermanfaat,
Salam sehat,
Back to Nature.

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